Low Power Consumption Data Center

The reorganization of the equipment in the room makes it possible to distribute the sources of heat and the production of cold so as to match the needs and the solutions of cooling.

As a result, energy savings have been achieved by reducing air conditioning costs.

The homogenization of room temperatures also has other advantages. Indeed, if previously temperatures could vary greatly from one location to another, it is now uniform. In fact the overall temperature can be increased without danger.

Raising the icy water regime (which therefore no longer needs to be at a minimum) allows energy savings of 3% per degree Celsius gained. Considering the consumption of a Datacenter, the savings achieved are important.

The increase in the overall temperature of the room is also an opportunity for free-chilling, a concept of natural air conditioning based on the temperature difference inside / outside.

The Datacenter is today a very large consumer of air conditioning: approximately 20 000 kWh / m² / year (against 50 kWh / m² / year for a BEPOS). Here is what we can achieve:

Consommation des data centers dans le futur

In the city of the future, data and IT are at the heart of concerns and sources of innovation: while the Datacenter is a central element, it is also one of the most energy-intensive buildings.

It can be noted that the historic rooms are less urbanized and have to accommodate new generations of IT infrastructure, which creates a real risk of loss of coherence of the room.

Two major consequences:

  • The presence of indoor hot spots and cold spots at the bottom of the bays: heterogeneous room temperatures, loss of useful cooling power, OPEX budget increase…
  • The disparity of the installation and the urbanization of the equipment that create operating difficulties, the generation of production incidents, etc.
Data center consumption

Indoor temperature is a real leverage effect on reducing budget: indeed, the rise in temperature makes it possible to reduce the use of the “air conditioning system” and reduce the associated electricity consumption.

→ Homogenization of room temperatures by providing management of indoor units and fresh air flows.

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