Energy recovery on a territorial scale

What is the ValEnTis software ?
It is possible today to optimize energy consumption at the building scale, but can we centralize production?
How can we valorize the renewable energies and recovery (RE&R) at the scale of the district?
ValEnTis is a software that allows to simulate and compare the energy consumption of different buildings according to several modes of energy production and thus to Valorize the Energy at the scale of a Territory.

In France, the building sector is one of the most energy-intensive. The French Sustainable Building Plan calls for a 38% reduction in primary energy consumption in the building sector compared to 1990.
Final energy consumption is nowadays at the center of reflections during the design of a construction project. However, the tools for predicting energy consumption are currently few, very expensive and often difficult to master in the pre-project phase.
Putting the energy issue back at the center of the reflections
PHOSPHORIS, a green ideas laboratory, has developed a software that allows to predict the energy consumption of a neighborhood during all phases of a project, from the sketch phase when few parameters have been determined.
This solution provides elements for reflection upstream of the studies, in order to put the energy question at the center of the discussions. The economic cost of a decision increases significantly over time during a construction project. Predicting energy consumption upstream of a project and making ingenious decisions can reduce costs during the project. At the scale of a neighborhood, these costs can amount to several hundred million euros.

How was ValEnTis designed ?
PHOSPORIS has developed the ValEnTis software, which calculates the hourly energy needs of each building and then the overall consumption of the district, based on its expertise in dynamic thermal simulation (DST). It is then possible to set up energy loops to balance heating and cooling needs between buildings or to pool electricity production, for example. From a new or existing territory, ValEnTis allows to :
- Reduce energy consumption by integrating buildings on a neighborhood scale
- Valorize the unused fatal energies
- Reduce, as a consequence, the power of the equipment
- Choose the decarbonated energy mix best suited to the types and profiles of consumption and make it easier to use innovative systems

ValEnTis is a SaaS (Software As A Service) software accessible online, integrating a 3D graphic interface, and allowing an intuitive use. The software offers a range of technical solutions: various heat pumps, biomass, photovoltaic, but also distribution systems, which makes the software unique compared to competitors’ solutions.
The software calculates hour by hour the needs of each building in heating, air conditioning, DHW and electricity “other uses”; then the user chooses the equipment of thermal energy production as well as the distribution system (4-pipe network, tempered loop, individual or collective production).
For example, PHOSPHORIS studied the neighborhood around the “Phosphorium” in Charenton-Bercy. By imagining a renovation of the neighborhood on the building envelope, the software predicts a reduction in annual consumption of 40 GWh in final energy, representing a 53% decrease in consumption, a 50% reduction in CO₂ emissions, as well as a 30% reduction in the installed power of equipment. ValEnTis enables the comparison of several energy scenarios in terms of decarbonization and valorization of local renewable energies using key indicators.

Would you like to know more about our solutions? Do not hesitate to contact us.