Moscow Urban Forum 2017
On July 6th and 7th, 2017, PHOSPHORIS President Eric AUBSPIN and PHOSPHORIS RUSSIA Director Olga MOTCHALOVA participated in the Urban Forum in Moscow, which, every year since 2011, brings together Russian and foreign specialists of urban development.
The topic of this year’s forum was : « AGE OF AGGLOMERATIONS. RETHINKING THE WORLD MAP. »

The conference, broadcast in several rooms, dealt with all issues of urban development and management – urban services, transport, development, lighting, IT, ecology, comfort, etc.
The most discussed topic was a major renovation project of 5-storey houses. Various countries shared their renovation experiences in France, Japan and China. Maurice Leroy, a town planner, former minister of the City and director of “Greater Paris”, stressed that the social aspects should be taken into account since they are the most controversial among the inhabitants of Moscow.
International specialists have shared their experiences in all areas of town planning and urban services that can be applied in Moscow.
More and more Russian developers are taking into account in their studies the introduction of innovative technologies that make the city more attractive, comfortable and sustainable … In this context, PHOSPHORIS has engaged in conversations with Russian promoters who are interested in this specific knowledge in energy efficiency. Despite the low cost of energy resources in Russia, the topic of energy efficiency is becoming a topical issue, especially for real estate developer and developers who build and manage residential and commercial buildings.