PHOSPHORIS in the finalist square for the Samara Arena project
PHOSPHORIS was selected as a finalist in the international Master-Plan Development competition for the territory adjacent to the Samara Arena Stadium, in the Samara region of Russia. On September 4, 2020, each of the finalists must submit their project offer.
The need for the territory
The objective of the project is the development of an efficient and economically sound concept for the development of the territory around the Samara Arena stadium.
The Samara region has submitted several principles on which the proposed projects should be based.
- The creation of a pole at the scale of the agglomeration: proximity, accessibility
- Territorial development through clusters, including the integration of urban spaces: self-sufficient territory, infrastructure, development of a local identity
- The creation of a new type of urban environment: comfort of life, professional opportunities, internal integration of community, commercial and residential elements in public spaces
- Become a reference in the development of territories around major sports venues after the end of the sports event concerned
- Sustainable social and economic development of the territory
The proposal of PHOSPHORIS
PHOSPHORIS enters the competition with a consortium comprising 3 other members: Aukett Swanke, Aurora and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
To respond to this project, PHOSPHORIS will use its engineering know-how.
1. ValEnTis software
Thanks to its expertise accumulated through its experiences in thermodynamical simulations and thermal calculations, PHOSPHORIS has developed the ValEnTis software to simulate and compare the energy consumption of different buildings, and thus Valorizes Energy at the scale of a Territory.

These neighborhood-wide forecasts can be made during all phases of a project, from the sketch phase when little information is known. Predicting energy consumption upstream of a project and making smart decisions can help reduce costs during the project. On a neighborhood scale, such as a stadium development project for the Arena Stadium, these costs can amount to several hundred million euros..
2. A green innovation laboratory
PHOSPHORIS operates as a Laboratory of green innovations : always looking for new concepts, PHOSPHORIS develops with its customers atypical or particularly innovative projects in terms of environmental quality and energy sobriety.

iIts objective is to use Renewable Energies (RE) as soon as possible, in particular photovoltaic, solar thermal, mini wind and geothermal energy. The ultimate goal is to achieve self-consumption: the design office then offers the best solution depending on the natural resources available in the project environment and the building’s needs.
3. A bioclimatic architecture
PHOSPHORIS is developing engineering for bioclimatic architecture by intervening in several businesses :
- Design studies and project management for all fluids: PHOSPHORIS Engineering imagines innovative concepts and has them implemented through the definition of strategies, solutions and architectural techniques adapted to their environment.
- Regulatory energy audits and Assistant to the Contractng Authority (AOA) missions: renewable energies are part of a global approach to controlling energy consumption (photovoltaic, solar thermal, mini wind, geothermal).
- Air quality : studies of the indoor and outdoor air quality in the building. PHOSPHORIS makes the environmental performance objectives of buildings compatible by acting on thermal comfort, ventilation and air purification.
- Execution studies : coherent and coordinated approach, and technical synthesis studies to ensure the spatial coherence of all structural components
4. A Swimming pool expertise
The swimming pool is one of the facilities expected in the Sport cluster of the Samara Arena.
The Alain GARNIER design office is interested in buildings that consume the most energy such as swimming pools and aquatic centers and seeks to design energy saving solutions while ensuring the proper functioning of the facilities.
In this idea, PHOSPHORIS imagined a 4D swimming pool by intervening on 4 energy poles:s :
- WATER : select the water treatment mode (ozone, gaseous chlorine, liquid chlorine treatment line); the filtration mode adapted to the needs of the AOA; enhance the recovery of heat from gray water in order to preheat the swimming pool, the water for the showers and the basins; set up a water-saving system (ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis).
- AIR : dehumidify the air by thermodynamics and / or by modulating the flow of fresh air, with a recovery of trichloramines and CO2, pool cover & movable floor.
- ENERGIES : offer solar energy supply, enhance rejection heat, offer solutions by adsorption, and free-chilling natural air conditioning.
- DATA : monitor energy performance and air quality indicators using software developed by PHOSPHORIS, prevent drowning through a computer-assisted monitoring system, manage access and lockers for an improved experience.